What is Prevent?

Prevent aims to stop people from being drawn into terrorism. It is part of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy (CONTEST)

Prevent is supported by three specific objectives which can be summarised as


CONTEST has four strands, often known as the four P’s

Protect – strengthen protection against a terrorist attack
Prepare – mitigate the impact of a terrorist atttack
Pursue – stop terrorist attacks
Prevent– stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism

Since 1 July 2015 the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on certain bodies to have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This includes:

Local authorities
 Schools (excluding higher and further education)
Further education
Higher education
The health sector
Prisons and Probation
The Police

To find out more about the Prevent Strategy please click here

British Values

QTS Global approaches the promotion of fundamental British values in line with the Government’s PREVENT theme of the anti-terrorist strategy CHANNEL.

These British Values are

Individual Liberty
The rule of Law
Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and belief

It is, without question, everyone’s duty to ensure they do not undermine these Fundamental British values.


As technology becomes an essential part of our daily lives and a vital tool in education, it is increasingly important to learn how to keep ourselves safe and to ensure that we have the tools and understanding to get the most out of using the internet, whilst avoiding all potential risks. We encourage learners to use all available technologies when completing training with us, but in doing so we want you to feel safe and free from harm. We must also be mindful of the challenges we could face when exposed to the technologies and the material they can produce including the following

Exposure to inappropriate material
 Cyber-bullying via websites, mobile phones or other technologies
 Identity theft or the invasion of privacy
 Downloading copyrighted materials
 Exposure to inappropriate advertising online gambling and financial scams
 Safeguarding issues such as grooming (particularly vulnerable adults)
 Other illegal activities

Please contact your tutor or head office (01677 470900) should you have any concerns with E-Safety, as it is important that we deal with any incidents swiftly and appropriately.

What can you do if you have concerns?

If you have concerns about someone being involved in extremism or being radicalised, support and advice is available from a range of experts and services who will work together

These include

Internet Matters- www.internetmatters.org provides advice and information about online radicalisation
National Police- Call 101 for advice. If someone is at risk of immediate harm call 999
Reporting Online Terrorist Material- www.gov.uk/report-terrorism

Alternatively, you can contact QTS-Global Ltd and speak to the Designated Person – Sean Rafferty.

You can contact Sean on 01677 470900, or alternatively, complete the form on the right to message him directly.

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